What is your Super Power?

Tina Overbury
3 min readNov 25, 2017

“What is your Super Power? Is your unique Super Power 100% clear to you? Can you easily communicate it to others? It’s not easy, and most women really struggle with this. Often times, others recognize our aptitudes before we fully recognize and appreciate them in ourselves.”

An introduction to Charlene Sanjenko of powHERhouse media group and her program on The LEAP Learning Lab: SPEAK.

Charlene SanJenko, Founder + CEO of PowHERhouse Media Group, has worked intimately with thousands of women over the past 17+ years to understand what they need to fully integrate excellence and fulfillment in all areas of their lives. She is the Program Director of SPEAK on the LEAP Learning Lab.

“You brag so women don’t have to.”

— Renu Bawa, Business Development Manager and Clinical Counsellor at Brentwood Bay Resort and Spa

It’s absolutely true. Over the past four years, Charlene SanJenko has built an extensive media platform for Canadian women.

She says: We brag for them so they don’t have to. Most women aren’t completely comfortable talking about themselves. This is a key catalyst for our creation of SPEAK!, our blended learning program that encourages women to communicate with greater confidence, clarity, and conciseness any day, any stage.

The underlying premise of PowHERhouse is simple: “If she can do it, then I can too!” Positive role models demonstrate what is possible. Through our Aptitude, Attitude + Appetite, we can ground this inspiration into our own lives with intentional Action, ie. I see that. I want it too. Now what?

Aptitude | Natural ability or skill.

Attitude | A way of behaving that expresses what one is thinking.

Appetite | A desire or wish.

Our ability to behave or take action expresses or communicates to the world what we are thinking and what we are ready for.

The challenge that I have with the women’s empowerment movement is this, “Are we empowering to mobilize? Are we providing access to the opportunities needed for this to happen?” We must move women forward, faster by doing it together.

And that comes through access driven by our ability to ASK for what we want, what we need, what we’re ready for.

We need to SPEAK up.

Women desire to hit a level of greatness, and they are fully equipped to do so. In fact, we are born fully equipped. Our potential sits, patiently waiting to be fully utilized. Many have forgotten. Most continue to play small, risk-adverse and confused by a desire for ease, flow, balance and self-care which is seemingly contradictory to achieving greatness.

It doesn’t need to be an either/or. It can be a both.

If she can do it, then I can too” is brought to life through the powerful stories we share as we make an impact in sport, business, the arts and community leadership and more.

In short — we brag.

In action — we SPEAK up.

The ripple of impact continues as we SPEAK up, with ease, flow, balance and self-care. It starts by remembering our own true greatness and being willing to risk bragging about it.

Click here to read the original article on CharleneSanJenko.com.

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Tina Overbury

Story Artist with TinaOLife, Author Coaching with The Writer’s Adventure, Expressive Arts Therapy Student at Winnipeg's Expressive Arts Therapy Institute.